It’s the time of year when we reflect on our lives and spend as much time as we can with loved ones. While we may make sure never to take for granted the time we get to spend with them, there are several added health and vitality benefits that should encourage us to seek and maintain healthy social relationships, especially …
Anti-Aging Results through Classic Cell Therapy
The anti-aging movement is always evolving. There is something new and exciting in development. Classic Cell Therapy is one of the latest treatments for the anti-aging process. This treatment is successful due to the embryonic and fetal cell ability to replicate quicker and more efficiently than adult cells. The entire process reverses aging on a cellular level, which directly impacts …
5 Simple, Delicious Drinks to Fight Aging
There’s no way to avoid aging. It is, unfortunately, inevitable. While we can’t stop the process entirely, we can slow it down a good deal. Forget those expensive creams that promise more than they deliver. The answer to your anti-aging questions is probably sitting in your pantry or refrigerator right now. Keep reading to find out the 5 drinks that …
7 Health-Packed Foods that Help Slow the Aging Process
If you really are what you eat, then why not eat healthy? Especially in the interest of slowing the aging process. Much of the food consumed today is highly processed, containing preservatives and additives like food coloring and other chemical-based ingredients. By stepping back and looking before you take that bite, you may be able to prevent the damage that …
Tired of Feeling Your Age? Here’s What You Should Know about Cell Therapy and Anti-Aging
What would you do if you could slow down your body’s natural aging process? Would you do it? Well, many of the symptoms that people experience as they age are not a part of that natural process. In fact, they have more to do with health. Fatigue, memory loss, limited mobility: these things are preventable and treatable. Cell Therapy and …
ICBR Service Spotlight: Facial Peels
Your face is one of your most precious assets. It’s the first distinguishing feature people notice when they meet you; it’s what people remember about you. To say that it’s important to keep your face looking its best for as long as possible is an understatement. Thanks to cosmetic techniques like facial peels, minor signs of facial aging can be …
7 Strategies to Look and Feel Younger This Summer
We all know that feeling. It’s a little flutter of excitement in the chest. It’s a smell, taste, and sound. It means summer is here. As the final clutches of winter dissipate, a sense of freedom permeates the air. While the world begins to regain its youth, you may feel worn down. Aches and pains and lack of confidence in …
Mental Cues and Feeling Renewed: Start Spring the Right Way
Spring is finally here, which means the world is coming to life again. As the air begins to warm and the ground thaws, birds will take up singing in the budding trees and flowers will start to bloom. The sound of children laughing and playing in the park is not far off. The world is slowly stirring from a long …
Increase Your Vitality and Feel Younger
There are many ways to feel younger, and not all of them require drastic change. In fact, the best way to change yourself is through small, incremental adjustments. Altering your lifestyle in such a way will not produce immediate physical results, but you will start to feel better. When you feel good, you look good. When you look good, you …
New Year – Fresh Start
It seems appropriate to write my first blog on New Year’s Day. The whole concept of Cell Therapy is to renew and refresh. I’ll start these entries with a brief overview of Cell Therapy. I’d just like to take a moment to clarify a few misconceptions and explain how Cell Therapy fits into your wellness program. Simply stated, …