If you’ve been feeling tired recently and have had trouble getting going in the morning without the help of several cups of coffee, you might be suffering from adrenal fatigue. This condition, also known as hypoadrenia, happens when your adrenal glands can’t keep up with the amount of stress your body is dealing with. When your stress levels are high, …
These 7 Anti-Aging Foods Contain This Cognition-Boosting Nutrient
As an anti-aging expert, I’m often asked about different ways to slow down the aging process. It’s a complicated question because there are so many different factors that go into how a person ages. One thing that you can count on: anti-aging foods that give the body what it needs to function and repair damage. My education is in clinical …
What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy and How Does It Treat Injuries?
If you’ve ever had an injury that just wouldn’t seem to go away, you’ve probably wished there was a way to speed up the healing process. The good news? There is, and the answer lies in your blood. Platelet-rich plasma therapy has been around for a while, but you may not have heard of it. To help you learn more, …
Oral Classic Cell Therapy: Introducing UltraCell by BioPharma International
Ever since my husband Dr. Tom Smith and I started ICBR, our goal has been simple: to make classic cell therapy more readily available. This innovative, effective treatment is far too valuable to be limited to only the wealthy, which is why I haven’t increased fees in over a decade. Still, operating outside the U.S. at our clinics in Mexico and …
How to Increase Your Energy and Feel Younger in 2019
As you say your goodbyes to 2018 and start planning for the New Year, you might be wondering how to increase your energy levels. It would certainly help you stick to your resolutions if you were more energized and motivated. Here are a few tips to help you. Sleep More Restfully When you’re busy, one of the first things you …
3 Excellent Reasons to Energize Your Tired Immune System
Do you feel like the older you get, the more often you get sick? Don’t worry. You’re not crazy. You probably are getting sick more frequently. What that means is that if you want to feel better, you need to boost your immune system. But first, why do we get sick more often as we age? Let me offer a …
Got Fibromyalgia Flare Symptoms? What to Know about This Condition
Did you know that about 5 million people in the United States suffer from fibromyalgia? While fibromyalgia flare symptoms also affect men and children, it is mostly women who have the disorder, many of whom are not diagnosed until middle age. When fibromyalgia flares occur, the pain can make even the simplest task next to impossible. Depending on the person, …
Want to Improve Digestive Health? This Could Be the Key
Many things have changed at ICBR since we started in 1981. One thing that hasn’t? Our focus on digestive health and nutrition. Our clients come to us not just to look younger but to feel younger, too. Healthy digestion and proper nutrition are some of the most important aspects of staying younger for longer. However, digestive health isn’t just a …
5 Foods That Reduce Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms
If you or someone you know suffers from the disease, you know that ulcerative colitis is no joke. From abdominal cramping, constipation, and pain to diarrhea, ulcerative colitis symptoms range from annoying to downright dangerous if left unchecked. These five types of foods can help to keep your ulcerative colitis under control. Probiotics Probiotics have become a fad within the …
How to Avoid IBS Flare-Ups
One of the problems that I help my clients with is learning how they can avoid IBS flare-ups. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not fun to deal with, but by taking the right steps it’s possible to live a full, healthy life that’s not full of pain and discomfort. Stress, anxiety, and eating habits all contribute to digestive health, which means …