Anti Aging: Getting Comfortable with Your Age

Anti Aging Isn’t Just About Reclaiming Your Youth: Get Comfortable with Your Age What’s the first thought that comes to your mind when you think of an aging person? Wise? Experienced? Well-traveled? None of these? Of course not. Because we, as a society, have other opinions about aging. We think about deterioration. We think about declines in health and loss …

6 Memory Tips to Keep Your Brain Young

Graceful aging cannot happen without making an effort to maintain a functional memory. People of every age experience those bouts of forgetfulness—we’ve all walked into a room and realized that we don’t remember why we did so. However, as we get older, these episodes of momentary memory loss can increase in frequency and severity. Thankfully, a few remedies exist to …

7 Health-Packed Foods that Help Slow the Aging Process

If you really are what you eat, then why not eat healthy? Especially in the interest of slowing the aging process. Much of the food consumed today is highly processed, containing preservatives and additives like food coloring and other chemical-based ingredients. By stepping back and looking before you take that bite, you may be able to prevent the damage that …

Tired of Feeling Your Age? Here’s What You Should Know about Cell Therapy and Anti-Aging

What would you do if you could slow down your body’s natural aging process? Would you do it? Well, many of the symptoms that people experience as they age are not a part of that natural process. In fact, they have more to do with health. Fatigue, memory loss, limited mobility: these things are preventable and treatable. Cell Therapy and …