Inflammation is one of the main contributors to accelerated aging for our skin and body. Certain foods and activities can cause this phenomenon in our bodies. Disrupting our circadian rhythm impacts aging because it leads to inflammation, meaning that our internal clock plays a large role in this process. In this post, we will explore the regulatory effects of circadian …
How Can Exosome Therapy Support Anti-Aging?
As we get older, we experience more aches in our joints and muscles. Many degenerative diseases occur as we age because our cells are not as efficient in waste removal. Toxins build up in our tissues and cause illness. That is where exosome therapy comes in. It is an innovative treatment meant to rejuvenate aging cells, leaving you feeling and …
3 Uses for Classic Cell Therapy and Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Try It
If you’re suffering from the physical and mental effects of aging and bodily imbalances, it can be frustrating to find a solution. Traditional medicine might push medication as the only option. But the truth is that you have other options: Classic Cell Therapy. Classic Cell Therapy is a safe and effective procedure for boosting your body’s natural processes. It works …
3 Simple Health Tips to Help You Fall into New Habits this Autumn
Summer is out and autumn is on its way in. These simple health tips will keep you looking and feeling great this fall. This summer barely even seems like it happened. With all that is happening in the world right now, and has been for months—social distancing and sheltering in place among the most obvious—the warm summer months practically slipped …
How to Look Years Younger without Surgery: 4 Tips for a More Youthful Glow
These days, plastic surgery is more popular than ever, but if you are wondering how to look years younger without surgery, you are in luck. Whether you are worried about fine lines, dark circles, dry skin, age spots, or chronic pain, you do not need to go under the knife to regain the youthful glow you once had. If you …
How Does Nutrition Affect the Immune System? 5 Summer Foods to Boost Immunity
How does nutrition affect the immune system? If you have ever wondered about the answer to this question, you are not alone. Here are a few things to know. Since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, many people have become more aware of their immune health. People want to protect themselves and others from this terrible disease, so they have been …
An Immune Booster Injection That Lasts? Why Cell Therapy Is Essential Right Now
Looking for an immune booster injection to keep you healthy for weeks or months? Cell Therapy from ICBR could be the answer you need. In football, the quarterback looks for a way to keep the team moving forward, whether he decides to pass the ball or run. To prevent the other team from getting the ball, the quarterback has blockers. …
Are You Protecting Yourself from COVID-19? 6 Ways Cellular Therapy Helps
Many people are wondering how they can protect themselves from the coronavirus and COVID-19. At ICBR, we recommend that everyone should follow the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, such as wearing a face mask when going shopping. But you don’t have to stop there. Did you know that cellular therapy can help you maintain and even …
The 5 Best Anti-Aging Ingredients You Can Find in Your Pantry
Over the past few weeks, things have changed drastically. The COVID-19 pandemic is serious, but if we stick together, we will get through it. In order to help everyone who is sheltering in place and practicing social distancing, I thought it would be fun to write a blog about the best anti-aging ingredients that you can find around the house. …
What Is Vitamin IV Infusion Therapy and How Does It Work?
If you are looking to boost your energy levels and improve your immune function while treating one of many health problems, vitamin IV infusion therapy might be for you. According to Chicago resident Dave Dickens, who described his experience with the treatment to U.S. News and World Report Contributor Anna Medaris Miller in a 2016 article, it’s a great cure-all …