How to Reverse Eye Aging in 3 Simple Steps

Your eyes are one of the first areas where you begin to see physical aging. As you care for your skin, you need to pay extra close attention to this delicate region. This post will detail how to reverse eye aging for a more supple and youthful appearance.

How Does Your Eye Anatomy Work?

Much like the skin on your lips, the skin around your eye is thin—in fact, it is about ten times thinner than the rest of your face. This means that this skin is much more vulnerable to fine lines and wrinkles. The tissue underneath also lacks much support, such as fat or muscle. In many cases, this issue is part of why your eye sockets may seem hollow.

The rest of your face also contains oil glands that help keep your skin supple, but your eyes lack any sort of oil production, leaving it more prone to dryness and irritation.

Discover How to Reverse Eye Aging in 3 Steps

#1: Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize

Moisturization is one of the most fundamental steps in your routine so be sure to extend this step to your under eyes and eyelids. Since your eyes lack oil glands, it’s important to supplement that moisture. Adding hydration to this area also temporarily plumps up any fine lines and wrinkles you may have, minimizing their appearance.

This step also involves using a gentle application technique. We develop wrinkles over time largely because we rub and pull at our eyes. Try to instead pat your cream into your skin.

#2: Correct your lifestyle

Your diet and sleep can heavily affect the appearance of your eyes. Too little sleep can lead to two classic giveaways—puffy eyes and dark circles. If you consistently miss out on sleep, you may find that you suffer from skin exhaustion, which leads to dull skin and deeper wrinkles. Sleeplessness deprives your skin of the energy it needs to fight off free radicals that degrade your collagen levels.

When it comes to diet, eating too many simple carbs and not enough nutrient-dense food can lead to deficiencies that cause dark circles.

Additionally, you should always be using at least an SPF30 sunscreen under and around your eyes to protect against sun damage (which can lead to laxity and wrinkles).

#3: Use anti-aging products

Moisture is important for keeping your skin healthy, but to improve the elasticity of the skin around your eyes, you need to use ingredients that will stimulate collagen production. For normal anti-aging routines, we might recommend retinoic acid (vitamin A) or L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C). While these antioxidants are potent, they can be too harsh for the thin, sensitive skin around the eyes.

You can instead use an eye cream with anti-aging ingredients made especially for the eye area, such as retinol and peptides.

Schedule an Anti-Aging Consultation

While these three steps are the fundamentals of how to reverse eye aging, there may be supplemental (and non-invasive) treatments you can use to your advantage. Discover more by scheduling a free anti-aging consultation with us today or calling us at 1-800-826-5366.