Low Libido Treatment – Florissant, MO
Low libido is an indication of general decline of the endocrine system, not just the ovaries or testes. It is generally accompanied by a lack of interest and energy in general. Recapturing the “joie de vivre” of youth is the goal with cell therapy at ICBR and a healthy sex drive is a big part of that.
If you’ve noticed a decrease in your libido, it could be due to a number of factors. The solution may be simple, as in the case where the culprit is a side effect from a medication you were prescribed. It could be the result of the physical and mental anguish that comes with dealing with an unrelated chronic pain or, most often, hormonal decline.
Low libido in women
Whether the cause is physical, psychological, or hormonal, our team can develop a treatment plan that restores your vigor to a level that meets your expectations.
Some physical and psychological causes for a diminished libido include:
- Pain during sex
- A preexisting condition such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, or high blood pressure
- Side effects from medication
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Stress
- Issues with your self-esteem

A diminished sex drive is often caused by a drop in hormone levels. This can be due to natural phases of life such as menopause or breast feeding, or an unexpected hormonal imbalance.Cell therapy targets the endocrine glands and restores the function to a more youthful level.
Low libido in men
Some people think that men should have no problem with their sex drive, and because of this, many men suffering from a diminished libido may keep the problem to themselves. The reality is that many men are suffering from the condition but may be too embarrassed to ask for help. The first step in treatment is to admit there is a problem. While there is no standard measurement for a healthy male sex drive, you have the power to determine when it isn’t what you think it should be.
There are a number of treatable factors that can lower your sex drive. Some of these include:
- Side effects from medications such as antidepressants or drugs for high blood pressure
- Poor sleep habits
- Stress
- Erectile dysfunction
- Fatigue
- Drug or alcohol abuse
- Low testosterone

Contact us
Cell therapy is the foundational treatment to maximize your hormonal potential. At ICBR we combine cell regeneration of the endocrine glands with specific dietary, nutritional and lifestyle recommendations to get the best possible result.